No Hazardous Ingredients

USDA, FDA, NSF Approved

100% Environmentally Safe


100% organic



Product Data For RADIANT RED 2000

Instructions | Uses  | Before & After Pictures



Radiant Red 2000 is a red  liquid formulated to deflocculate, emulsify and dissolve grease & oil loosening the most stubborn soils leaving all surfaces with a crystal clear look with no harm to your hands.


It is an all organic, non-flammable, non-toxic, non- abrasive, biodegradable universal cleaner formulated and made for Industrial plants, oil refineries, hospitals, meat markets, dairies, food processing plants, hotels, restaurants, etc... and yet is safe on all surfaces where water is used.



We believe you will find the below explanation is what makes Radiant Red 2000 better than other products.


It contains organic dispersants. These dispersants enter into a chemical action with many types of hydrocarbons. The surface tension is reduced and the hydrocarbon is broken down into very small particles which no longer have cohesive or adhesive qualities.


The solution then becomes receptive to water, unlike other products that contain solvents or caustics that leave contaminants behind and should not be flushed off.


Radiant  Red 2000 will dissolve any left over residue from other  products.  Then can be flushed off leaving a completely clean residue free surface.


Our product is 100% safe on all surfaces and will not harm your skin, plus there's no harmful fumes to irritate your sinuses. It's biodegradable, has steam cleaning quality, industrial strength concentrate and does so many other jobs, there isn't enough room to mention them all.

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FOR INDUSTRIAL USE: Mix 50% water / 50% product to use on oil, grease, transmission fluid, power steering fluid, hydraulic fluid, old or new rust stains on driveways or floors- then rinse with water and recover using appropriate tools; Shop Vac, Mop, etc...


FOR HOME USE:  Mix 1 Part Product To 3 Parts Water In Spray Bottle: cleans kitchen walls, stoves, hoods, bathrooms, cabinets, carpet stains, clothing, any automobile surface, sofas, furniture, glass, linoleum, ceramic tile, fabrics, BBQ's, etc... Always wipe with a damp cloth or rinse off afterwards.


TO CLEAN METALS:  Use It Strait: Dip Gold, silver, copper, bronze, stainless steel, aluminum, or apply with brush and let stand until metal is clean. If product dries up, reapply. Rinse or wipe off.



Oil refineries, Manufacturing plants, Tool & Die shops, Printing plants, Machine shops, Plating shops, foundries. Some uses are: Washing and de-greasing equipment, machine and coolant systems, plant floors, restroom's, any type of steam cleaning, manufacturing and loading systems when changing product lines.


Use Radiant Red 2000 around your house. Throw away most of your other cleaners and save storage space by replacing them with Radiant Red 2000. Typical Uses: Strip wax from tile, linoleum and wood floors. Removes pet odors from carpets and furniture. Shampoo carpets, wipe away crayon, pencil, ink pen marks on walls.


Restaurants, Food plants, Bottlers, Breweries, and Dairies etc... Radiant Red 2000 has U.S.D.A approval for use in food preparation areas. You can use it for cleaning and de-greasing grills & vents, food counters, kitchens, food service dining areas- plus restroom's.


All around help on air crafts, boats, RV's and other recreation and sporting equipment. Radiant Red 2000 safely removes road tar grime without harming fine auto finish. Service stations and garages can get the grease and oils out of work clothes jeans and overalls. It also cleans acid on car batteries.

More before and after shots

use slide bar to see the difference!

greasy bottom of a restaurant pan

greasy inside of a restaurant pan

rusty kitchen table leg

greasy side of a restaurant pan

Commercial truck, back of cab

commercial kitchen racks

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5302 Oceanus Dr.

Huntington Beach, Ca. 92649